LimeGreen's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「カモ科」 Black-bellied Whistling-D... 13 4 56 Sleepy 1-24-23 12 6 43 あんよ 1-24-23 13 4 34 Blue-Winged Teals and Mot... 16 8 49 おちり 1-2-23 14 10 60 Blue Winged Teals 2-24-22 18 4 73 Grooming 1-27-22 15 4 78 Black-bellied Whistling-D... 18 6 74 大きくなってました。数が... 18 10 73 Black-bellied Whistling-D... 19 14 126 Dendrocygna autumnalis 11... 20 12 128 A Family 11-17-21 16 4 103 Showing all 12